About Riccardo

Where in the World?
I'm from Padua(Padova), Italy in Europe.
♻️ 2025
...✅ 2022 to 2024
- Joined Teero as a Founding Fullstack Engineer
✅ 2021
- CreatedCypress-for-Everything, it's a collection of Tutorials and Examples of complex end to end tests made withCypress
- Launched my own Mentoring solution calledMentoMento, helped more than 20 developers to find their next job or improve their skills.
- Switched toAmusi @ Neulabs from Tramundi, while being part of the same team and investors. Working as a Remote Software Engineer with AWS CDK, Lambda and Next.js.
- Launched the new version of this website and blog on the end of April!
✅ 2020
- JoinedTramundi @ Neulabsworking as a Remote Software Engineer with AWS, Lambda and Gatsby.
- JoinedAtoms Studioworking on web apps with JAMStack and Vuejs as a Full Stack Engineer.
- Mentored more than 10 young developer to get started with their tech career using the MentorCruise platform.
✅ 2019
- JoinedDianabuilding internal tools with React, GraphQL and PostgreSQL as a Junior Front-End Engineer.
- Joined Better Programming on Medium as a writer for web development articles and tutorials.
✅ 2018
- Joined Uqido as a Junior XR Developer exploring new fields of Augmented and Virtual Reality
- Graduated from University of Padova in Computer Science. 🎓
- Spoke at GoogleDevFest2018 in Venice. 🎤